E+H现货热销TSM487温度计 The TSM487 compact thermometer is used for universal applications. Preferred applications are in vessels or in pipes, where no high process pressures and no extreme temperatures appear. The compact thermometer assembly includes a fiberglass insulated insert which is protected by a thermowell with process connection G?". The terminal head is according to DIN 43729, form B, and is made of aluminum. The built-in head transmitter converts the resistance value into a temperature linear 4...20 mA analog output signal. Compact thermometer with screw-in thread for universal applications. Various measurement ranges and immersion lengths selectable 2-wire technology, 4... 20 mA High accuracy of sensor and electronics Fiberglass insulated insert Replaceable electronics E+H现货热销TSM487温度计
产品描述 Compact thermometer with screw-in thread for universal applications. Various measurement ranges and immersion lengths selectable 2-wire technology, 4... 20 mA High accuracy of sensor and electronics Fiberglass insulated insert Replaceable electronics 德国E+H产品随着亚洲zui大、*四大测量控制、多国仪表的展出。可以看出良好制造业的规模和水平是衡量一个国家综合实力和现代化程度主要标志。E+H工业热电阻当代经济zui发达的国家,E+H工业热电阻几乎都是制造业zui发达的国家。面对激烈的竞争,要使我国从一个 “ 制造大国 " 转变成一个 “ 制造强国" ,E+H工业热电阻必须实施信息化带动工业化的战略,没有一个良好的仪器仪表仪表业的支持,不可能完成这个任务。 在工业生产中,E+H工业热电阻仪器仪表是“倍增器",发挥着“四两拨千斤"的巨大作用。 E+H工业热电阻在科学研究中,仪器仪表是“先行官",离开了科学仪器,一切科学研究都无法进行。 在军事研究中,仪器仪表是“战斗力"。